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Hello, my name is Megan Masters and this is the website for my second project as a part of my English class at Florida State University. For this project, we were tasked to write a research paper based on our topics from out first project, and I wrote about the Casey Anthony trial so for my second project, my research question is "What is the correlation between substance use and unintentional teenage pregnancy?" 


I have done a bit of research on the topic and have collected 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly sources to aid my argument and form my counter argument. On the website, you will be able to view my progress throughout the research paper process, including the proposal, the annotated bibliography and the drafts while I finalize the paper. Thank you for reading and I hope you stick around and explore!


Substance use and pregnancy both threaten and embody themselves in the teenage population of the United States. All sorts of drugs whether they be prescription or nonprescription, legal or illegal, can be accessed by all Americans and can be said to target our youth. Alcohol as well is quite easily available for teens to get their hands on. These two substances, along with the amount of sexual exposure in the media, it can be inferred that there is a correlation between substance use and pregnancy. The question that will be researched throughout the paper is if there is a correlation between substance use and unintentional teenage pregnancy, and whether the correlation is positive or negative. Substances, in this case, include alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, nicotine, cocaine, LSD, or any substance that can act as a stimulant or depressant that is taken in significant doses. When discussing pregnancy, it will be between the ages of 13 and 19 and also includes abortions, the key point being that the pregnancy was unintentional. In today’s society, teens are facing constant exposure to substances and sex and that may play a role in how those teens chose to involve themselves in both.

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